80072efe windows 8
80072efe windows 8

80072efe windows 8

I found that by removing 'SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Cryptography\Configuration\SSL\00010002\EccCurves' (configured by GroupPolicy 'Administrative Templates\Network\SSL Configuration Settings\ECC Curve Order' and mandated by DoD STIG V-74413 in Windows Client 10-2.1) I could get Windows Update to work. You may or may not still get 10 for free, but you first have to see if 10 is compatible with your device. You don't use Windows Update to upgrade from 8.1 to 10.

80072efe windows 8

I'd greatly appreciate any advice on how to fix this one. NET::ERR_CERTIFICATE_TRANSPARENCY_REQUIRED I'm trying to upgrade from 8.1 to 10, but I keep getting windows update error codes. When using Edge to open the URL at, I get a certificate transparency error. However the answer at in my case was not helpful.

80072efe windows 8

Using a newly deployed Windows 10 LTSC (1809) with DoD STIGs applied, Windows Update is failing.

80072efe windows 8