For windows instal Personal Backup
For windows instal Personal Backup

for windows instal Personal Backup

Sample information from the PL log in /BCU_share/aixappl/pflayer/log/pl_ace: Investigate the pl_ace log to determine if the utilitydriveupgrade command has failed. The V7000 storage drive firmware upgrade process fails due to a failure of the utilitydriveupgrade command of the drive upgrade utility to be successfully installed, even after the successful installation of the installation package.

  • rmsysconn -ip invalid_IP_address -o remove.
  • For each invalid IP address, run the following command as the hscroot user on the HMC to remove it: In the following example output, the IP address is invalid. An invalid IP address is in a Connecting state and shows a connection error code. Log in to the HMC as the hscroot user and run the following command:Ģ. Identify and replace the invalid IP addresses stored in the HMC.ġ. Issue the following command to resume the fix pack installation: Where represents the process ID of the miupdate process or the process ID of the MIUpdateCLI process.ĥ. For each process ID, issue the following command to terminate the hanging process:

    for windows instal Personal Backup

    :/opt/IBM/mi/lib/*:/opt/IBM/mi/lib/log4j/* nfiguration=file:/opt/IBM/mi/configuration/ =/opt/ibm/director/lwi/security/keystore/ibmjsse2.jks -DUSERDIR=/usr/IBM/applmgmt/rver. -resume current -n In the following sample output, the miupdate process ID is 11599914 and the MIUpdateCLI process ID is 12976198.

    for windows instal Personal Backup

    In the output returned by the command, identify the process IDs for the miupdate process and the MIUpdateCLI process. Verify that the fix pack installation is in the Applied non impact to non management hosts status:

    For windows instal Personal Backup